Sanskrit & yoga meanings
asana (posture)
The definition of asana in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is ‘Sthiram sukham aasanam’ meaning posture is steady and comfortable. The asanas are practiced so that we might sit comfortably in one position for an extended period of time, as we move into Meditation. However, Hatha yogis also found that certain postures open up the energy channels and allow prana to flow within the body. Asana provides a basis for exploration of the gross and subtle body, it is also a means of purification, eliminating toxins and ensuring a more saatvic (or balanced, healthy) state.
Drishti (gaze)
Drishti is a Sanskrit word
that means “gaze” or “vision.”Drishti helps to fix our eyes in one place, to steady the mind, so that we
can move our attention inwards.Drishti connects us to the more subtle limbs of yoga: Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (Oneness or Bliss).
Mudra (gesture)
A mudra or gesture can be described as a psychic, emotional, devotional or aesthetic gesture or attitude.They are subtle physical movements which alter mood, attitude and perception, and deepen awareness and concentration.They might be Hand, Head, Postural, Lock or Perineal ~ Swami Saraswati
bandas - energetic locks
Bandha is Sanskrit means to “lock” or “tie” and refers to various muscular contractions and relaxations that influence the vascular nervous and glandular systems that cause various physiological effects
mula bandha
Root Lock, associated with the pelvic floor.
It pushes the natural downward flow of apana up toward your navel
Uddiyana Bandha
associated with your lower abdominal muscles and the movement of the diaphragm
Jalandhara Bandha
located at the throat. It pushes the natural upward flow of prana downward and prevents too much energy from escaping.
pranayama & meditation
pranayama - breath control
Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation
and an important component of the yoga practice.In Sanskrit, “prana” means life energy
and “yama” means control, but "ayama"
means "to extend or expand." Pranayama exercises control the breath, to
extend or expand the life force within us.
dhyana - meditation
Meditation is at the core of the practice of yoga. It is the art of slowing down, and focusing the mind. It is a process to look into our own minds, and gain control of our internal world. It teaches us that there is a power within each of us, an energy, peace and wisdom, which is the Self, which we can tap into when we find a few moments of stillness in our practice. ‘Through regular meditation, the mind becomes clear and the motives pure. The subconscious mind releases hidden knowledge that allows a better understanding of oneself and our relationship to the world’ ~ Swami Vishnu-Devenanda
Ashtanga traditions
8 limbs of yoga
Defined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras: Yamas - Moral codes Niyamas - self purification and studyAsana - posturesPranayama - breath controlPratyahara - sense controlDharana - concentrationDhyana - meditationSamadhi - bliss, peace
Moon days
In the Ashtanga Yoga tradition, the practitioner takes rest on moon days, being the new and full moon. This is because of the effect these lunar cycles have on the subtle energies of the body.
Sanskrit chants: As is tradition, you will hear an opening and closing prayer at the beginning and end of our Ashtanga practice.
Please feel free to join in, or simply close your eyes, bring your hands to prayer position at your heart centre, bow your head and listen.
Opening Prayer
"Om vande gurūnam caranāravindesandarśita svātma sukhāva bodhenih śreyase jangalikāyamānesamsāra hālāhala mohaśāntyaiābāhu purushākāram śankhacakrāsi
dhārinamsahasra śirasam śvetampranamāmi patanjalim Om"
"I bow at the lotus feet of the GurusThe awakening happiness of ones own self revealed.Beyond better, acting like the Jungle physicianpacifying delusion, the poison of Samsara.Taking the form of a man to the shouldersHolding a conch, discus and a swordOne thousand heads whiteTo Patanjali, I salute."
Closing Prayer
"Om svastiprajābhyah paripālayantām
nyāyena mārgena mahim mahīśahgobrāhmanebhyah śubhamastu
nityam lokāh samastāh
sukhinobhavantuOm shanti shanti shantih"
"May all be well with mankind.May the leaders of the earth protect it in
every way by keeping to the right path.May there be goodness for those who
know the earth to be sacred.May all the worlds be happy.Om peace peace peace"